A theatre performance, written by Francisco Carrasco and produced by LUMA Creations (OLC) .

MOMENTOS is a powerful representation of a deeply moving story that takes you on a journey of struggle, hope, fear and determination, highlighting critical moments that changed a nation. This new theatre piece incorporated theatre, storytelling, live music, movement and multi-media as well as songs from the Chilean popular song movement of the time. Directed by Oscar Carrasco, it involved wonderful artists: Estibaliz Moures Abad, Max Alder, Curtis Watt, Antonio de la Torre & Antonio Rubio – with Annemarie Martin as stage manager.

The show was performed at the Unity Theatre, Liverpool – for two nights on Thurs 6 & Friday 7 of July 2017 to full houses. Both nights so standing ovations and some amazing feedback from the audience members.

“A truly wonderful and moving performance by the entire cast. The whole thing, beautifully written by Francisco Carrasco.” Audience member

“Momentos is a fantastic show. Really moving and thought-provoking. More people need to see it.” Audience member

MOMENTOS is a venture for OLC and was enabled by the successful application to the Elevate Fund, Arts Council England upon which we stated we would develop one new, major performance piece a year. It was shown at the Unity Theatre to full houses and standing ovations.