The Team
LUMA CREATIONS is a not-for-profit, limited company by guarantee with charitable objectives and has a Creative, Experienced and Diverse Team and values the relationships it has formed and the people who have been part of the journey.

Francisco Carrasco MA, FRSA (Chile)
Francisco arrived in the UK as a child refugee, and through his diverse experience and passion for the arts became founder, CEO and Creative Director of Luma Creations. He has led a range of arts organisations including Brouhaha International and The Liverpool & Merseyside Youth Music Action Zone. Delivering festivals, carnivals and large-scale events in the UK and Internationally as Artistic Director, including the Merseyside International Street Festival, the One World Festival and Chester Carnival of Giants. Francisco created the highly successful programme Creative Futures, which is dedicated to developing professional practice in the creative sector, and he is often invited to deliver lectures at universities and conferences both nationally and internationally. He sits on various steering groups including SHIFT, Race Equality Action Group and North Culture Network. As a writer, singer/songwriter, composer, maker, poet, and educator, he is a firm believer in cultural activism. However, despite his many accomplishments, Francisco is kept grounded by his family, as they are all mathematicians.

Maya Mitter is a Development Manager for Luma Creations working in the Creative Arts, Events, Education & Media Industry and currently also works as a radio documentary presenter, producer & researcher (programmes for the BBC and Deutsche Welle). She was also a Lecturer in Psychology at Wirral Metropolitan College & an associate lecturer at the University Of Liverpool.

Oscar Carrasco (Chile)
Oscar arrived in England in 1975, with his family as political refugees.
Growing up surrounded by cultural activities, has inspired and motivated Oscar’s journey in music and cultural education in Britain and abroad, and his involvement in numerous arts and music projects over the decades has naturally developed and cultivated in his participation in Luma Creations.

P Max Alder (Associate Artist – UK)
Max is a passionate advocate of working with and supporting people to take control of their own lives and communities through learning and experience. He strongly believes in freedom of and access to opportunity, and creating a level field for all. Working as a professional actor and musician, youth arts and venue manager, and university business manager, he has a track record of over 30 years fostering, developing and supporting artistic talent, growth and creativity in the North West.

Esteban Pérez Ortega
Esteban is a Chilean musician, sound & lights tech, and producer based in Liverpool. He is passionate about arts, and especially about live music. During the last 10 years he has steadily worked in different projects regarding cultural exchange and artists’ mobility, supporting artists, cultural organisations and different companies within the creative sector.
Saranne Carrasco Brennan
Saranne has been proudly affiliated with LUMA for many years, through her Latin American heritage, and love of the creative arts and people. She is an accomplished singer, songwriter and musician and has produced thousands of concerts and events throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
Luma Creations has a diverse, highly experienced and skilled board of directors who are essential to the smooth running of the organisation.
Garth Dallas (Jamaica) – Garth is an established solicitor and CEO of Dallas Legal, a highly respected solicitors firm in Liverpool. He is the Director of Diversity Magazine and has delivered major Diversity Conferences in the region as well as being invited to deliver keynote speaches as far afield as the U.S. He has just been appointed General Secretary of the Liverpool Commonwealth Association and is a key member of the Commonwealth Games 2022 Liverpool Bid Team.
Elizabeth Lynnet Tant (UK) – Liz works for BT and has been involved in Latin American events for over 15 years. She has always been a keen supporter of the organisaiton and has her finger on the pulse of most things that go on in the region relating to Latin America.
Betty Ortis (Mexico)
Pax Nindi (Zimbabwe)
Shelley Lewis (Jamaica/UK)
Francisco Carrasco (Chile) – See above